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Step-by-step HTML and CSS for Absolute Beginners
On your mark, get set... GO!
Course introduction and welcome (2:04)
Project overview: A "Coming Soon" webpage (1:06)
Getting started with HTML and CSS (8:52)
Creating HTML and CSS files (5:09)
QUIZ: Check your progress!
Adding content to your webpage using HTML
Understanding HTML
Learning HTML syntax (13:19)
Adding headings and paragraph text (11:01)
Using special characters (3:51)
Adding web and email links (8:05)
Adding images (16:08)
Finding icons and other graphics (7:33)
Making clickable images (3:07)
Checking your HTML code for mistakes (8:22)
QUIZ: Check your progress!
Controlling the look of your content with CSS
Understanding CSS
Adding CSS to your webpage (9:51)
Learning CSS syntax (11:42)
Changing fonts (10:11)
Choosing a good color scheme (6:19)
Changing colors on your webpage (6:19)
Checking your CSS code for mistakes (2:23)
QUIZ: Check your progress!
Publishing your webpage: The (not-so-scary) technical stuff
How web publishing works
Understanding FTP: File Transfer Protocol (10:35)
Getting your files online using FTP (8:37)
Editing your webpage online (5:16)
QUIZ: Check your progress!
Putting it all together: Layout and design
Using HTML and CSS together
Dividing sections of content using DIVs (8:21)
Changing the background color of a section (7:09)
Changing the width of a section (2:20)
Centering content inside a section (1:51)
Repositioning an entire section (7:21)
Controlling the way links appear on your webpage (1:18)
Changing your text to uppercase or lowercase (3:14)
Categorizing your webpage content using classes (4:47)
Repositioning images on your webpage (3:37)
Changing the space around sections of content (8:04)
QUIZ: Check your progress!
Getting fancy: Tweaking your webpage design
Going further with HTML and CSS
Making rounded corners (3:55)
Tweaking line spacing (2:10)
Changing the way a link appears when you hover over it (3:48)
Adding a drop shadow effect (7:54)
Creating special effects with images (12:26)
QUIZ: Check your progress!
Wrapping up
Project review: Coming Soon page
What's next?
Changing the way a link appears when you hover over it
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