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Create, Update and Manage Your Own Website Using WordPress
Getting started
Why learn WordPress?
Course overview: What you need to get started
How do I log into my WordPress site? (6:19)
QUIZ: Check your progress!
Basic site administration
How do I change the Title and Tagline for my WordPress site? (2:44)
How do I change the default timezone for my WordPress site? (3:37)
How do I adjust the privacy settings for my WordPress site? (2:56)
QUIZ: Check your progress!
Adding and formatting content
What's the difference between Posts and Pages in WordPress? (8:36)
How do I create a new Post on my WordPress site? (5:36)
How do I get rid of unnecessary formatting when pasting? (6:29)
How do I add bold, italics, and other formatting? (5:33)
How do I add bullets, blockquotes, and subheadings? (6:03)
QUIZ (part 1): Check your progress!
What's the difference between internal and external links? (4:03)
How do I add an external link on a Post or Page? (4:40)
How do I use the "More Tag" in a Post on my WordPress site? (3:48)
How do I schedule a Post for future publication in WordPress? (4:12)
How do I create user-friendly permalinks for my WordPress site? (7:09)
QUIZ (part 2): Check your progress!
Adding images, video, and audio
How do I add images to a WordPress post? (19:04)
How do I resize and align images in a WordPress post? (7:10)
How does WordPress handle images and other media? (7:56)
How do I add a YouTube or Vimeo video to a WordPress post? (4:12)
How do I add a SoundCloud song or set to a WordPress post? (5:30)
How do I add an image gallery to a WordPress post? (8:31)
QUIZ: Check your progress!
Organizing your content
What are categories in WordPress and how do I use them? (11:47)
What are tags in WordPress and how do I use them? (7:27)
QUIZ: Check your progress!
Applying updates
What are updates in WordPress and how do I do them? (11:42)
QUIZ: Check your progress!
Understanding WordPress themes
What are themes in WordPress and how do I change my theme? (6:16)
How do I find and install new themes for my WordPress site? (15:05)
How do I change the header for the Twenty Thirteen theme? (7:50)
QUIZ: Check your progress!
Working with Pages
How do I add new Pages to my WordPress site? (7:59)
How can I have a static front page on my WordPress site? (7:41)
QUIZ: Check your progress!
How do I create a custom menu for my WordPress site? (part 1) (4:47)
How do I create a custom menu for my WordPress site? (part 2) (11:41)
How (and why) would I use Categories in a navigation menu? (4:24)
QUIZ: Check your progress!
Understanding Widgets
What are Widgets in WordPress, and how do I use them? (10:16)
What are the default Widgets available in WordPress? (8:57)
How do I use the Text Widget to add a custom Twitter widget? (7:39)
QUIZ: Check your progress!
Adding Plugins
What are Plugins in WordPress, and how do I use them? (10:04)
What are 10 great WordPress plugins and what do they do? (part 1) (11:54)
What are 10 great WordPress plugins and what do they do? (part 2) (11:09)
QUIZ: Check your progress!
Wrapping up
Course review: In conclusion... (2:24)
What's next?
What are the default Widgets available in WordPress?
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